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Jawaban dari "Successful applicants will have to get out of bed for regular 4:45 a.m. starts, ..The word “applican..."

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Kami mempunyai 1 jawaban mengenai Successful applicants will have to get out of bed for regular 4:45 a.m. starts, ..The word "applican.... OK langsung saja baca jawaban lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Successful Applicants Will Have To Get Out Of Bed For Regular 4:45 A.m. Starts, ..The Word "applicants" In The Sentence Above Means ….. *​

Jawaban: #1:

Versi bahasa inggris

The word "applicants" means people who applied for a job and successfully passed the stage before, this can be known by the word 'successful' infront of the 'applicants'. It seems like the job have some stage of meeting and in the next stage or maybe they are already accepted to the job they applied to, the applicants need to prepare to wake up at 4:45 a.m to attend to the next stage.

Versi bahasa indo

applicants di kalimat tsb itu artinya orang yang sedang melamar kerja.

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Nah itulah jawaban tentang PR di atas, semoga membantu!
