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Jawaban dari "B. Read are following letter, then answer the questions Soraya 124 Barker Street Randwick, NSW lune..."

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Kami punya 2 jawaban atas B. Read are following letter, then answer the questions Soraya 124 Barker Street Randwick, NSW lune.... Monggo lihat jawaban lebih lanjut di bawah:

B. Read Are Following Letter, Then Answer The Questions Soraya 124 Barker Street Randwick, NSW Lune 13, 2015 Dear Christine I'm N The Cutest Little Cafe In Sydney While Writing This Letter. I've Had A Great Time In This City Although I've Only Been Here For A Short Time, I've Learned Many Things My Mom Always Remindedi Me That I Should See The Whole City, So I Decided To Go Around The City All Day On The Weekend So Far, I've Seen Taronga Zoo, Harbour Bridge, Central Park, And The Old Town I've Been To The Opera House Where I Enjoyed A Classical Music Concers The Streets Here Are Very Crowded I See People Wearing Beautiful Winter Coats And Hat It's Very Cold Here At This Time Of Year, I Have To Wear A Thick Winter Coat, Hat, And Gloves 1 Can't Feel My Fingers. I Hope You Enjoy Your Holidays Too. Please Write To Me About Your Hol Day Out Nglish I Miss You. I'l See You Back In Makassar In The End Of This Month. Let's Have Fun Together With Love Soraya

1. Who Wrote The Letter
2. To Whom Did She Write The Letter?
3. Why Did She Write The Letter?
4. What Is The Relationship Between The Sender And The Recipient?
5. What Language Is Used, Formal Or Informai?

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Jawaban: #1:

1. Soraya wrote the letter

2. Christine is the recipient

3. Because Soraya was in Sydney, and Christine was in Makassar. Soraya shared the experience about her holiday in Sydney.

4. Best friends that are leaving together in Makassar.

5. Language used was informal languange.

Jawaban: #2: 1. Who wrote the letter? (siapa yg tulis surat?)
= Soraya
2. To whom did she write the letter? (surat ditulis utk siapa?)
= Christine
3. Why did she write the letter? (kenapa dia menulis surat)
= To inform about her holiday in sydney (utk memberitahu tentang liburannya di sydney)
4. What is the relationship between the sender and the recipient? (apa hubungan antara pengirim dan penerima?)
= Friend (teman)
5. What language is used, formal or informal? (bahasa apa yg digunakan, formal atau tidak?)
= informal (tidak formal)

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