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Jawaban dari "for question 1-5. 1. What kind of text is that? a.deskriptif b.personal latter c.formal invutation d..."

Bila teman-teman mau berusaha menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan for question 1-5. 1. What kind of text is that? a.deskriptif b.personal latter c.formal invutation d..., maka kamu sudah berada di halaman yang benar.

Kami punya 1 jawaban dari for question 1-5. 1. What kind of text is that? a.deskriptif b.personal latter c.formal invutation d.... Monggo pelajari jawaban lebih lanjut di bawah:

For Question 1-5.
1. What Kind Of Text Is That?
b.personal Latter
c.formal Invutation
d.personal Invitation

2. When Will Ut Be Held?
a.1st November 2017
b.15th November 2017
d. Alexandria Nsw 2015

3.who Seems To Be Invited To The Party ?
a.grade 1 Students
b. All Students
c.grade 6 Students
d. Students Will Have Be Graduation And Their Parents

4. Who Is Having The Party ?
a. Alexandria
b. Graduation Party
c.hogwarts Primary School
d. Wyndham St.

5.What Does RSVP Means ?
a.you Need To Send Your Response
b.you Need To Bring Your Own Meals
c.you Need To Be There On Time
d. You Need To Ask Dress Code ​

Jawaban: #1:


1. (c) formal invitation

2.(a) 1st november 2017

3.(d) students who will be graduated and their parents

4.(c) hogwarts primary school

5.(a) you need to send your response

hope it helps!^^

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