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Kami ada 1 jawaban mengenai in a far away kingdom, there was a queen named her daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair.... Monggo baca jawaban selengkapnya disini:

In A Far Away Kingdom, There Was
a Queen Named Her Daughter Snow White
because Her Skin Was So Fair And Lovely. The
Queen Died And Her Father Married Another
woman. The New Queen Was An Evil And
Jealous Stepmother. Her Stepmother Had A
magie Mimor. Every Day She Asked The Magic
mirror Who Was The Fairest Lady Of All The Magic
mirror Always Answered That She Was The One
One Day, The Queen Asked The Mirror,
but It Said. "Snow White Is The Most Beautiful
of All. She Was Very Angry And Started Making
plans To Get Rid Of Snow White. The Evil Queen
ordered A Servant To All Snow White In The
forest. The Servant, Feeling Sorry For Snow White.
let Her Go And Brought Back A Deer's Heart To
show The Queen That He Had Done The Deed.
Snow White, Alone And Hungry In The
forest, Came Across A Little Cottage With Seven
tiny Beds. When The Dwarfs Came Back From
work, They Found Snow White And Said She
could Stay With Them If She Cleaned And Cooked.
They All Lived Happily Until One Day When
the Magic Mirror Told The Evil Queen That Snow
White Was Still Alive And Living With The Dwarts
The Evil Queen Disguised Herself And Went To
the Cottage. She Gave Snow White A Poisoned
apple. When Snow White Took A Bite Of It, She
fell Down Unconscious. The Dwarves Were Very
sad And Built A Glass Coffin For Her.
One Day A Prince Came By And Saw How
beautiful Snow White Was, And Gave Her A Kiss
Snow White Woke Up. They Married And Lived
happily Ever After

1.The Title Of The Fairy Tale Above Is
A. The Dwarves
B. Snow White
C. The Evil Queen
D. Snow White And The Seven Dwarves
E. Snow White And The Evil Stepmother

2.From The Story, We Know That Snow White's
A Had Died
В. Was Expelled From The Kingdom
C. Was Killed By The Evil Queen
D. Was Left Alone In The Forest
E Lived With The Seven Dwarves

3.Why Did The Stepmother Hate Snow White?Because..
A. Her Husband Really Loved Snow White
B. She Did Not Want To Have A Stepdaughter
C. She Wanted To Get All The Treasure
D. She Wanted To Marry The Prince
E She Was Jealous Of Snow White's Beauty

4. Why Did The Servant Not Do As The Evil Queen
ordered Him To Do?
A. He Hated The Evil Queen.
B. He Met A Deer And Took Its Heart.
C. He Liked Snow White And Wanted To
marry Her.
D. He Did Not Have The Heart To Do That.
E. He Wanted To Get The Reward From The

5 How Did The Dwarves Treat Snow White?
A. Badly
D. Suspiciously.
B. Kindly.
E. Respectfully
G. Curiously.

6. "The Evil Queen Disguised Herself And Went
to The Cottage.
The Underlined Word Has Similar In Meaning
A. Impersonated D. Tricked
B. Deceived
E Hid
C Masqueraded​

Jawaban: #1:


1.The title of the fairy tale above is...

A. The Dwarves

B. Snow White

C. The Evil Queen

D. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

E. Snow White and the Evil Stepmother

=> Karena yang disoroti/paling menonjol di cerita adalah Snow White.

2.From the story, we know that Snow White's mother...

A. had died

В. was expelled from the kingdom

C. was killed by the evil queen

D. was left alone in the forest

E. lived with the seven dwarves

=> Paragraf 1: "The Queen died and her father married another woman. The new Queen was an evil and jealous step-mother." Ibunya Snow White sudah meninggal, yang masih hidup adalah ibu tirinya.

3.Why did the stepmother hate snow white? Because...

A. her husband really loved Snow White

B. she did not want to have a stepdaughter

C. she wanted to get all the treasure

D. she wanted to marry the prince

E. she was jealous of Snow White's beauty

=> Ibu tirinya Snow White membencinya karena Snow White cantik dan saat ini tirinya berbicara kepada cermin ajaib, cermin ajaibnya selalu menjawab "Snow White adalah wanita yang paling cantik".

4. Why did the servant not do as the evil queen ordered him to do?

A. He hated the evil queen.

B. He met a deer and took its heart.

C. He liked Snow White and wanted to marry her.

D. He did not have the heart to do that.

E. He wanted to get the reward from the queen.

=> Pelayan yang diperintahkan oleh ibu tiri Snow White tidak melakukan seperti yang diperintahkannya. Karena pelayan itu merasa tidak enak pada Snow White.

5 How did the dwarves treat Snow White?

A. Badly

B. Kindly.

C. Curiously.

D. Suspiciously.

E. Respectfully

=> Para kurcaci (dwarves) memperbolehkan Snow White tinggal asal ia mau membersihkan dan memasak untuk mereka.

6. "The evil queen disguised herself and went to the cottage."

The underlined word has similar in meaning to...

A. impersonated

B. deceived

C. masqueraded

D. tricked

E. hid

=> Ratu jahat itu menyamar dan pergi ke rumah para kurcaci (cottage). Itu maksud teksnya ya. Kalo kurang yakin boleh lihat di Google Translate.







Sorry if my answers are incorrect and unclear, hope these answers help you

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